Wednesday, March 31, 2010

My week....

Hey all!
I'm sure you are wondering where on earth I disappeared to. :D  Well the fact is, I'm still right here and I've just been pretty busy.  It's been a big FFA week for me, so I guess I'll take this post one day at a time. :)

Tuesday (as in, last Tuesday) - This was a crazy day, I had school to get done in the morning and I was also prepping for a 4H activity for our goat club that evening.  At 11:30 I left for the Careers Center and did our normal rounds there.  Right after school one of our teachers, a fellow student and I all took a nice hour and forty-five minute long ride up past Paw Paw.  There we had our regional officer interviews.  I am running for President, but I'll very likely be slated lower.  I won't know until mid - end of April.  I also have a quick testimony to share from this day.  On my way to school, I was going to call a dear friend of mine and ask her to pray for me during my interview.  I was nervous and hadn't ever been through an intense interview.  I didn't have her number on my cell phone though, so I just started praying myself (which I had been doing anyway).  I felt quite at peace during the rest of the day.  The next day I got a call from that friend and said that the afternoon before she had felt God telling her to pray for me.  She wasn't sure why, but she prayed anyway.  Isn't God awesome?!?!  Anyway, I got back home with barely any time to spare and we headed off for the 4H meeting which turned out to be a huge success!  Probably one of the better meetings we've had in a long time.  Finally, I think I'm starting to get it!  :)

Wednesday wasn't so busy, but I when I came home in the afternoon I wrote and gave a speech in about 15 min. in front of our homeschool group for our speech day.  It was about Ag Terrorism, mainly against PETA and HSUS.  I had someone ask at the end if I've ever thought about going into politics.  I responded with a vigorous nod. :P  No, really I've always been interested in politics, especially ag related.

Thursday, Chapter Officer Interviews!!!!  This was one of the more important interviews for me, for our home chapter.  Our chapter is one of the largest in the state, with close to 80 members!  The interviews were fun, way more fun than the Regional interviews, probably because I knew all the people interviewing me.

Friday!!!  This is when I found out that I was slated President/Vice President!  This is the only position where two people have a spot reserved for them, the two highest spots.  I was so excited!!!  You should have seen some of us, we were all acting kinda ditsy for a minute (honestly, I think I kinda surprised a few of the girls lol).  Right after school we did chores and met up with some friends to go pick up our dairy starter calves.  Rebekah and I are switching from selling market wethers to dairy starters this year.  We went to an awesome dairy where they milk about 3000 head.  I don't know why so many people target these commercial farms.  They always say the animals look unhappy, are unhealthy and the farms are dirty.  This place was spotless!  They had one of those merry-go-round milkers and it was amazingly clean and happy those cows looked!  I've never seen a small family farm with as much quality as this farm.  Anyway...... so we picked up two sweet little starter calves and they are now adjusting to a new life here on Asher Acres.  We also attended a friend's birthday party...happy late birthday Kassandra!

Saturday is our cleaning day here, so I got right to tackling the mess in the house.  I was done right at 9:30, which is when Dad and I went to pick up a friend and headed off to an auction about 15 min. away.  We were looking at a haybine, round bale feeder and a couple of hay wagons.  The haybine went for way more than we wanted to spend, we missed the round bale feeder, and the hay wagons all sold for $1000 a piece (and the high bidder took them all).  So, we ended up coming home with, a box of fencing staples that will probably last us a lifetime.  It was still fun to get out there again though and hang out at an auction.  I see why so many guys like to go weekend after weekend. :)  Anyway, then we headed off to my grandpa's 84th birthday party.  It was nice to see some of the family again and celebrate so many years of having such an awesome guy around.  Happy Birthday Grandpa!

Sunday Josh was throwing up and pretty sick, so we all stayed home from church (not wanting to spread the delightful bug).  It was raining as well, so we didn't do too much during the morning.  Mom, Abigail and I eventually went shopping  so that was a nice diversion. :)  It was kinda nice though to have a lazy day where no one does anything.

Monday, this was our voting day.  We all voted on President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, and Sentinel.  Then we started the waiting game, and I don't think I've ever had such a long 24 hours.  :D  So, I took a nap, did chores, enjoyed some nice weather and went to bed.

Tuesday......FINALLY........RESULTS!  :P  You should have seen us as we all came into class, we were just about ready to do, I don't know what, but we weren't sure we could stand it anymore.  Finally they said them, I got Vice-President.  I was hoping for President, but Vice is pretty much just as good.  I'm happy, and I think we've got a GREAT lineup of officers this year.  Can't wait to start working with them!

So now you are all pretty much caught up on my doings around here.  I'll try to remain more faithful to my blog readers and hopefully even get a few pics up soon.  Maybe I'll post some of the kids and calves soon.  Just gotta git out my faithful little camera! :)

But now, grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.  To Him be the glory both now and forever.  Amen.  (1 Peter 3:18)



Jenna said...

Thank you for the updates, my dear friend! Congratulations on becoming vice president. That's wonderful! :)
Have a blessed Wednesday!

Your Sister In Christ,

Jenna said...

Hey Dear Friend!
So glad to hear from you:) Goodness, you've had a very busy week. Glad that you got Vice-President; that is really exciting! And let me know how the placing from the other big interview went:)

Did your Mom tell you about Tammy's barn? We dropped by yesterday afternoon and brought her a meal...the barn is all ashes and we heard that she lost 16 kids, thankfully no adult does (so far). Sad, huh? We feel so bad for her...:(

Alright, I've got to get to my algebra. Love you lots and have a fantastic day!!!

Your friend,

The Myers Family said...

Wow...what a wonder we haven't seen much of you. Our girl is super excited with your latest project you have her slated to do. :) I don't know if it is so much the project, or just getting together with you all. I am glad things are settling down. I hope you have a great spring break. We will hopefully see you soon.

The Myers' ~

Joshua said...

Are you going to write that series on the role of women from a biblical point of view? I would be very interested in reading that series. You would do an incredible job of putting that together. May God be glorified.

Your bro in the Lord,
Joshua :)