Monday, May 19, 2008

2008 show update #2

I am making a list of things that need to be done before we leave for the show on Friday. This is more for me than anyone but that way this all isn't on a piece of paper laying around and getting lost. Also, this lets you all know what it takes to show!:)

I have all the paper work lined up and here. I also have the entry form sent in.
#1. Tattoo Alithia and Gala.
#2. Trim around feet and ears and touch up on other places.
#3. Get food/minerals/supplements, water pails, feeders, hay, straw, etc in van.
#4. Get paper work in van.
#5. Clean up goats, wash if needed.
#6. Trim hooves, show quality.
#7. All show equipment lined up.
#8. Milking equipment in van.
#9. Work with Alithia and Gala.

I may add to this list if I think of other stuff. Some of it needs to be done right before we leave, but there is some stuff that I can start anytime.

Well, other than keeping up around the place we aren't doing a lot. It is looking like we have a pretty busy week ahead but I will try to keep everything update!

Have a good day,

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