We'll start with Saturday. Dad, Mom, Rebekah, Elizabeth and I went up to MSU for a MDGS (Michigan Dairy Goat Society) Spring Goat Day. It's always lots of fun and very educational. The rest of those who stayed behind kept an eye on the goats. Savannah kidded around 10:30 with a single doe kid. She looks much like Savannah herself, very cute. :) When we got home at 3:00 we were told that Gatlin had kidded at 1:00 with HUGE twins, a buck and a doe. They are all AWESOME eaters. :) We had also brought two beautiful doe kids home from Tammy, the lady we helped with kidding. Beautiful doe kids!
Sunday we just were laid back, no one kidded (they all wanted to give me the day off) and enjoyed the wonderful 60+ degree weather! We gather a bunch of sap and kept that boiling.
Today (Monday), I knew Sapphire and Maggie were getting close so I put them in kidding pens. Everyone else went to Coldwater and I stayed home and cleaned the licenced kitchen (where we take care of all the milk) and watched the "girls". Sapphire went around 1:00 with beautiful twins....a doe and a buck. I'm really hoping to keep the doe since her mother is looking really nice. I LOVE her udder. :) Around 4:30 I went out to go start chores and saw that Maggie had already had a buck kid. I took care of him then "went in" to help deliver the other kid.....another buck! Presto (our yearling buck) has now given us 5 bucks and 0 does. Naughty Presto. lol!
Here are some pictures I've taken recently of the kids.....
So now I think I'm all caught up.....for now. :)
Till next time!
Wow girl! You're busy:)
Hey, when you get a chance, I'd love to see a picture of Savannah's udder!! Oh BTW, Candie's buck does totally look "all boy"! Are you going to keep him intact? The does from Tammy are lovely:) So are all of the other kids!!! Great work Bethany!
Your friend,
I'll try to get some pictures of Sav's udder. It looks pretty nice!
I'm not going to keep Candie's buck intact as he is only a Recorded Grade. Can't breed with him! He looks just like his pappy though! :)
Those are very cute pictures!!! I think you definatly have plenty of goats now.
Wow Bethany,
talk about some kids! I like the does you got from Tammy and isn't it fun that Abigail and I have twin sisters from Touch? I named mine Tanacity, does Abigail have a name picked out?
Sorry, I spelled it wrong! It's Tenacity...
Bethany, I still have 5 more to kid so I'm not through yet! :)
Josh, it is cool that you and Abigail bought twins sisters! We still haven't decided on names yet...but I'm kinda leaning towards Top Notch and call her Top. So does this give you another Ten? lol!
I know! I'm not sure about nicknames yet but we can't have two Tens running around!
How cute!!!
My grandfather's heard of goats have been multiplying like rabbits! He has had 30 kids in one week!
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