Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Livestock Judging!

Hey folks! I think I mentioned awhile back that I was taking some livestock judging classes. Anyway, so yesterday I had my competition at state! After practicing for only 5 weeks with no previous experince I really didn't feel ready but decided to try it anyway. We (the other livestock judgers and I) left yesterday morning at 6:30 and arrived around 8:30. We were out in the arena to start our judging around 9:00. We judged 6 classes; 2 swine, 2 beef, 2 sheep. We had to give reasons (explain why we had placed the class the way we did) on 3 classes (market hogs, Angus heifers and market lambs), questions (we are asked 10 questions about the class) on 1 class (breeding ewes) and just place 2 classes (breeding gilts and market steers). It went pretty well and I was feeling pretty confident once I got out there and did it. ;)

We got the official scores and then waited around for a few hours for the results to come in. Our group did very well with the Junior teams in 4H doing very well as well as the Individuals in 4H. I was in FFA only, because of some technical issues but out of probably 50- 60 other seniors, I placed 7th on reasons alone, 4th overall (with my score of my placeings), and our FFA team (there are 4 of us, Jake, Justin, Logan and I) won 1st (state)! So.......our team is now headed to Nationals! Wow, what a surprise! Nationals are held in Indianapolis in late October and they do so much more than we did yesterday so we have a TON of work to do! Still, everyone was very excited! I didn't take my camera but I'll see if I can get some pictures from my instructer (he got some).

So that's the big news for this week I guess. Oh, and Rachel and Rebekah are off to camp this week as well so it's awefully quiet around here! Be praying for them, that they are open the Gospel and stay safe. ;)



Jenna said...

That sounds awesome Bethany! How exciting that you are on to Nationals!!!!

I'll be thinking and praying for Rachel and Rebekah...I hope they have a blessed time:)

Love you dear friend!

Josh said...

Congrats! It sounds like so much fun. Great score too!
I'll be praying Rachel and Rebekah are encouraged.

God Bless,